Some memories of Julie from her nephew, Timothy Goodwin:
So many of my favorite memories of your mother always included both of you. Do you remember your house in Sausalito? (we were all pretty young then), I remember Damian & I playing in the back yard, (Josh you must have been real little, cause I don't think I remember you there), anyway, Julie brought us some siren rings (the kind you blow on and they make a siren sound). I remember after hours of ear splitting fun, Art finally taking them away because we were making such a racket. When you moved to B (is that right?) we played in the creek and caught crawfish…… well you two caught them, they scared the shit out of me. (Josh, this is where my first memories of you begin). I remember getting up early on Saturday morning and watching cartoons with you. I remember all the adults hanging out in the Trap, while us kids were not allowd. While we were visiting you, Julie gave me a big box of art supplies… colored pencils, pastels, water colors. It was the coolest thing i had ever seen, and I had the last of the colored pencils right up into the 90's.
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